Visuel d'un enfant avec un casque de réalité virtuelle

Journey into the heart of Evolution

Saturdays and Sundays

Explore the tree of life in the first permanent virtual reality room in a French museum!

Journey into the heart of Evolution - trailer


Journey into the heart of Evolution is a unique immersion in the tree of life, offered by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle and the Orange Foundation. You'll discover more than 450 emblematic species of living organisms, both present-day and fossilized, question the relationships between them, and trace the origins of life back to 3.5 billion years ago (LUCA).

This experience is the result of nearly two years of research, involving scientists from the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle for the content and Orange Labs for the virtual reality data representation.

Visuel de l'arbre du vivant avec des bulles représentant des animaux et des hommes

Voyage au cœur de l'Évolution - arbre du vivant

© MNHN - Orange
Voyage au cœur de l'Évolution - physalie

Voyage au cœur de l'Évolution - physalie

Journey into the heart of Evolution is also available on Viveport.

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